Hate Speech in Japan

Local municipalities  in Japan have been pushing a motion to make hate speech punishable by imposing fines and other legal actions.     I for one support free speech.

I do not condone hate speech of any kind, but I do condone civic discourse that questions the legitimacy of fraudulent claims by those who choose not the assimilate or naturalize into the great nation of Japan.   I question those institutions that allow North Korean schools to exist here tax free and who payout billions of yen in free health benefits.   This is not hate speech, this is common sense, something in short supply here.

Since the re-founding of Japan's Constitution by the former Occupational Authority under the late former General Douglas McArthor(sp), 50 additions were entered into the current constitution in Japan.   Such freedoms like free speech and equality were among many revisions added to it.

Since the overwhelming majority of Japanese know very little to nothing about what is in the current Constitution, and who lack the overall interest in political discourse, may find themselves confused and bewildered by recent news about such groups as the Zaitokukai.     Whether Japanese choose to embrace liberal ideals of globalization and open borders, or whether they attempt to show contrition for passed transgressions is a soul choice that each Japanese has to come to terms with.   It has nothing to do with me.   When it comes to civic duty and responsibility that has all to do with me and if I catch anybody gaming the system I will call you out.

The reason I say that is because I pay taxes as a legal law-abiding citizen and I stand by the community and its convictions.    It is my tax yen that helps pay for programs that benefit the Japanese and those who pay into the system.   It is my civic duty to call out an ethnic person who doesn't pay while still claiming benefits regardless of events that occurred half a century ago.  Japanese is not a nation of cowards like in the U.S.A.

It is my civic duty to stand by free speech against groups who take advantage of the system I pay into!   As is the duty of all Japanese and its citizens to call out the injustice of entitlement victimhood by groups who hate and oppose this country.   If you don't like it here then leave.     It's a simple statement.



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