How to Properly Explore Kamakura Part 7: Gokukuji Temple 日蓮正宗 護国寺

Gokokuji Temple

Why visit here?  First, read here. part two, part three, part four, part five, part six

  1. You have an interest in Nichiren Shoshu Risshozan.

  2. You like unique architecture.

  3. You want to learn more about Hosshaku-Kempon

  4. You have an interest in Nichiren Daishonin doctrine of Buddhism

  5. You have an interest in the  exile of one of Japan's most provocative spiritual leaders.

For the serious student of Buddhism, the karmic wheel of causality will play a central theme in the teachings of all Buddhist law.   However, not this particular doctrine of Buddhism.   Here you will learn the new teachings through true identity and how to create your own future.   No longer will you be shackled or bound to the karmic wheel of destiny, but through your own will create a future for yourself through the teachings of Daishonin.    

His teachings were widely rejected by the Shogunate and as a result  he was thrown out of Kamakura!  Living in exile in Izu he became an inspiration to the locals there where he had performed miracles.   It is said that many of the locals loved him for his attention to the poor and the needy.   He had claimed that the teachings  of the old schools of Buddhism caused suffering themselves and impeded one from reaching his or her fullest potential.   

Among all the temples in Kamakura, Gokukuji is the most unique and modern, yet incredibly simple.     Taking pictures in the main-hall is prohibited.   And all though they chant "Namyo-rhenge-kyo" they are not affiliated with S.G.I ( Sokka Gakkai).   In fact the mere mention of S.G.I. is met with horror.    If you approach the grounds for the first time the staff will greet you and ask you for information.   The staff speaks English. 

It can be reached on foot

Come here if you want to experience something completely different.


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