Okinawa Plane
As per my previous post, I wanted to continue on with my topic on Okinawa, formerly known as the Ryukyuan Kingdom. The historical chronology is well documented online and in academic peer reviews all over the world, so I won’t regurgitate the same things you could probably look up yourself. This essay is my opinions on Okinawa Prefecture, and what I consider to be its good points and bad points.
For the million or so tourist that visit the islands of Okinawa annually, none, save the Bozu and the Kanushi (priest), recognize the dominion of power that exists there. The realm of the undead and the living dead are those Japanese who have been desensitized to the yearnings of their ancestors, and those with very low emotional-quotients who cannot see beyond their own vanities. They cannot see how grave the spiritual dilemma of the soul of the nation has become.
I remember years back, a group of fact finders and Japanese priests flew over the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean, to pray over the remains of those lost during the war. Millions of unclaimed souls lie strewn across the Marianna’s spiritual plane, a purgatory filled with millions and millions of souls. Death lingers so heavily in this area, that it’s not advisable to go near there.
In the Book of Luke 16:22~23, the King Jame’s Bible, mentions a type of purgatory called Abraham’s Bossom. A place all souls deemed clean in God’s eyes before the dispensation and eventual death and resurrection of The Christ. When the Christ died he descended down into to hell to snatch the keys of death from Satan while also freeing those remanded into Abraham’s Bossom. This is the first mention of a type of purgatory in scripture.
In other words, before Christ there was no salvation, so if you died clean in the sight of God you were bound to another spiritual plane. Moses, Noah, and everybody else who died pre-New Testament could not ascend to heaven without the Blood of Christ to release them. According to the Catholic scriptures, of which there are different points of view, no such place exist. This has more to do with the original Apostles who couldn’t decide on whether to include mention of a purgatory and other aggrandizing that had this fact completely removed from present-day scripture.
In the Bible, according the Book of Acts, The Apostle Paul was forbidden by God to spread the gospel in Asia, including Bythnia and Mysia. There was no reason given, so we must assume that either the Asians weren’t ready, or something else. It is safe to assume that much scripture has been left out of the original text entrusted to Paul, lest his remains be exhumed in order to re-examine the scriptures in tombed with him. My point is that when referencing the spiritual dilemma of Asia, one must question what evidence we have. If any….? Asians today still cannot dance in the spirit even after receiving salvation is strange to say the least, nor can they speak in tongues.
There are purgatories for lost souls who are limboed across median planes. This can be attested by Buddhist priests and parishioners, and Okinawa is one such plane of death amidst it’s beautiful green vegetation, and emerald green waters. It is a resting area of millions of dead souls, many limboed and unclaimed. They walk amongst the detritus and the soulful ignorant unattended and unbound. They swarm like bees into the lives of those in the realm of the living and feed off of their suffering and pain. They huddle in the darkness watching as a husband humps his wife and as the Catholic priest rapes another child.
(" the tomb in the picture is called a turtleback tomb where generations of ancestors are interred. It's called a kamekobaka in Japanese and the outside is likened unto a turtle back. It has its roots in China! The photo aberration off the the left is a guardian angel in rainbow reflection. You are never to approach such tombs in Okinawa, as negative angry spirits swarm around human presence.")
Okinawa is not Honshu. Okinawa is Okinawa. Okinawan’s are Okinawan’s by circumstance. They are Ryukuan descendents from China and other parts of Asia including Thailand. Their souls are not Japanese, but their minds are Japanese through “forced adaptation and institutionalization” under Meiji Emperor through forced annexation centuries ago. They do not exemplify the charms and graces of mainland Japanese, and there is no “wabi-sabi” or refinement through aesthetic beauty. These concepts are purely reserved for mainland Japanese. Their is no “Tenno Heika Bonzai” ode to the Emperor of Japan. There is no Hako-ichiu, Japan’s preemptive right to spread it’s influence all over the world - soft power. There is no “Aikoku-Shugi” love of the motherland, but love of Okinawa only and love of America the former Occupational Authority, even in spite of all the protest you see on T.V., Okinawa would not be Okinawa without the presents of the American military.
In short, you should visit Okinawa and enjoy the prefecture as it is. Enjoy what you perceive to be as beautiful and serene. And enjoy its natural bounty and plethora of activities. Enjoy its concrete architecture. Visit Nakagusuku Castle and enjoy it's solemn beauty. Not only is it a UNESCO World Heritage, but it is also bounded on a spiritual plane.
I may return to Okinawa this summer for snorkeling and to swim with dolphins, not sure yet. The one good thing I did enjoy though, was my company and delicious tacos and taco rice and excellent goya cuisine.
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