Two Garlics You Need to Know About in Japan

Takomachi Garlic
Originally uploaded by McAlpine Alexander

The only two garlics you need to concern yourselves with here in Japan are Chinese garlic, and Japanese garlic, since these are the main ones sold here. Isn't all garlic the same, you ask?

No. If you're a Californian then you should know that Gilroy Garlic is some of, if not the finest garlic in the land. And if you didn't know that, then at least know that Californians love their garlic. I love my garlic in a variety of different ways, but the best way is microwaved, and eaten raw. Just wrap it in saran wrap, and heat it for one minute - maximum wattage - done. I have only done this with Aomori Takomachi garlic, though. Gilroy Garlic I would just mash it and use it as a garlic dip or grill it.

Chinese garlic is the cheapest, and has no flavor; basically tasteless. They are also smaller. If you are on a budget, and need something cheap where you can get more for your money then the Chinese garlic option is better. For us brand shoppers who love to spend a little on really good garlic, and you live in Japan, you go with Takomachi garlic.


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