Golden Week: Surviving the Fallout

Right Thru Me by Nicki Minaj [ Theme Music for this Post ]

One of Japan's largest holiday seasons is upon us now, post 3-11. It's called Golden Week, or Goruden Wiku in Japanese English, and it's one of the most anticipated holiday periods of the year from April 29th to May5th. There're several holidays during this period, but the most notable one is on April 29th, which is the Tenno's Birthday. I place extra emphasis on his birthday because of the symbolism he represents for the nation of Japan and for the spiritual unity of the Japanese nation. Images of the former Tenno Showa come to mind when he too stood amongst the millions in the ashes of the aftermath of devastation. Perhaps it was his image alone that offered solace and comfort to so many without hope.

I hope Japan's image can survive the type of senseless fallout caused by the media. Western news sources butchered Fukushima to pieces, so I feel as though I have a sort of mandate to correct the distortion of the facts by the media, so to speak. I say these things because I have been to Fukushima just as many or more times than the average traveller. I have camped out up there, I have bathed in some of its most exclusive natural hot springs. My Jukujo's mom lives out there. I have eaten all or most of its traditional cuisines. I love Fukushima. This prefecture of Japan is/was a bastion of abundant nature and greenery, so much so, it inspired me to publish my first book back in 2008. In my opinion, Tohoku is the Jewel of Japan.

Like Chernobyl, the stain of radioactive fallout may forever tarnish the image of this part of Japan - I hope not, we'll see. Let's clear one thing up for sure though, Fukushima is no Chernobyl! The Japanese are forgiving of their own on this one. Japan Agriculture and ordinary Japanese will continue to buy products from this area, and will support local farmers in these effected zones. This is a type of beauty not found in many countries where people are not governed by fear and smear, but by a collective will to do what's for the greater good and what's right even in the face of uncertainty. Western media cannot spread fear that deep here because Japanese are a sensible people at the worst of times; this is one of those times.

This Golden Week I hope to hear of media sources covering stories related to hope, restoration, and healing. I want to see Japanese and Non-Japanese visiting the effected areas and assisting with relief efforts, and whatever other services that can be offered. Golden Week is a time to rest and to reflect on the beauty of nature and life. Fukushima, in Tohoku Prefecture, is no Chernobyl. It is a great prefecture. We must all do our part to push back against the negativity and smear of the whole region by foreign and even local media outlets. This must be done in order to protect the image of northern Japan and its many beautiful prefectures. What happened at the Fukushima nuclear power plant happened at that plant and for the most part is under control and poses no threat. Chernobyl was a complete disaster in comparison with what happened in Fukushima.

FUKUSHIMA is no Chernobyl.


  1. Golden Week is fast upon us. This is a very busy travel season in Japan and most tourist destinations are extremely crowded. Many Japanese offices close for about a week to 10 days, depending on the calendar with many people taking a vacation, travelling abroad or to a tourist attraction in Japan. Airports and train stations are usually overflowing with people during this time and it can be very hard to get reservations for accommodation and transportation during Golden Week.

    Japan Australia

  2. Hello, I'm @pontaline (on Twitter). I noticed by the Japanese web news that you worried about the situation of Fukushima. I live in Fukushima City. Using schools and parks in the city is limited by effects of atomic radiation though it is a season of cherry blossoms now. Fukushima will revive if TEPCO comes to be able to control the nuclear plant. I keep giving information until the day comes. I hope you keep loving Fukushima, Touhoku and Japan.

  3. @.>>Japan-Australia - Thank you for the more watered down version on your take of Golden Week.

  4. >>Ponta Wow. You live up in Fukushima. Whereabouts exactly? You are quite lucky even spite of all the hell that's around you. Thanks for the comment

  5. I live in the southwest of Fukushima City. Between the hot spring of Tsuchiyu and Fukushima Station.

    Fukushima City is not as cruel as you think. I have been doing the same living before the earthquake since April.

    I determined that sent information on Japan though I was misunderstood from the world because I read your blog.

    You gave me power. Thank you.

  6. @Ponta<< Thank you for your heartfelt comments.
    I know the area where you are from. Beautiful area.

  7. The road in Fukushima City is safe including "Fruit line". There are differences though the road is not broken.

    "Adachi-ya" is done business though seems to be difficult to stock. They are accepting victims. It seems to have taken about three weeks to repair facilities.

    You may ask me anything.


    Hello dear friend,
    I deeply appreciate your heartful comments.
    Japan is now in the trouble ,easpecially TOHOKU AREA has had massive disaster since the great earthquakes and 100feet high TSUNAMI which broke 4 nuc reacters in FUKUSHIMA NUC PLANT 1. completely .
    Over 20000 people died and being missing in the sea or under the rubbles.
    Nevertheless the reconstruction of the stricken area is getting on the move in all cities and towns.

    JAPAN restrains itself from many entertainments after since then.
    Therefore tourist resorts all over Japan have no customers, so that many Hotels in Tohoku came to be closed or be no in prospect of reopening unfortunately.

    So please come to Japan to make yourself at home.
    Ryokan,Japanese-style traditional Hotels are nearly empty. And the hotel charges are going down.
    We are counting down the days to your visiting in the near future.

    Thank you of all supports.

  9. @Ponta<< Thank you so much for your kind words. They are greatly appreciated.

  10. @MIE<< Thank you for your comments! I will be visiting your area someday soon. Thanks again for stopping by blog.


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