Yoshiko-Private Body Sushi
My blog has attempted to bring together the things I find to be beautiful both naturally and spiritually, artistic and aesthetically pleasing to the senses in Japan. My focus has always been on Japanese food, nihonshu, the Jukujo, the shrine, and the hotspring experience, and those things which enhance that focus. I have searched far and wide for others with similar qualities, like in the case with Leonardo Fujita, and Toyoshige Watanabe.
Both men express beauty in different forms. Fujita's was white skinned beauty, Toyoshige's was blackened devil beauty, two polar opposites united. These opposing elements that somehow infuse the whole of humanity stroke after stroke, brush after brush, all somehow merge into one whole defining beauty. All aspects have to be merged and not necessarily reinterpreted, and I think these men have accomplished just that.
Recently, a new talent has emerged on the art scene, a designer, who goes by the name of Andrea Rosagni from Genoa in northern Italy, a son of Milan, birthplace of Leonardo da Vinci and Alessandro Verri. Mr. Rosagni has over 20 years of experience working as a designer and producer and has received numerous accolades for his work. He has worked for some of the biggest names in Italy since 1996 and has reshaped and refined his own unique style of artistic expression. A true definitive genius of his time. I look forward to his next creation. For now, I want to get my hands on a naked private body sushi tablecloth. His Facebook page is here
When I think of places like northern Italy images of the infamous Shroud of Turin come to mind, which supposedly bears the likeness of the Christ, so how befitting another great who would showcase another type of cloth, but this time one that bears the exact likeness of the Japanese Bijin( Japanese beauty), would take the art world by storm. Mr. Rosagni is a sort of provocateur to some maybe? I say he's a daring genius.
Nudity is beautiful. Nudity is art. A shroud of beauty. The models name is Yoshiko.
An interesting thing is that all the finishes (length, the edges of the table cloth and confection) had been done by tailors of the San Vittore (the prison of Milano). The craftsmanship is simply amazing. Naked tablecloth where you can enjoy sushi and naked beauty all infused into one whole beautiful experience.
Naked sushi art or Nyutaimori in Japanese, date back to the Meiji era and was typically enjoyed by the wealthy few who may have been a bit artsy. I think it's absolutely beautiful!
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