New Shinkansen [はやぶさ] Hayabusa

Don't know what it is exactly about Japan's extensive railway network that I love the most, but one thing's for sure, I love its trains, especially the new shinkansen called the Hayabusa. It's got to be the the nose! I love its sleekness and the perfectly engineered bogies that slide along the outside; or maybe it's the pantographs that run along the top of the entire body of the whole train..... Actually, let me reiterate, it's the nose.


(" Jukojo [ripe mature Japanese women] and shinkansen have always shared a common affinity with each other. Refined aesthetically, smooth as silk, highly intuitive, sensitive, powerful, purposed and focused in motion").


Bullet trains, shinkansen, were designed with perfect aerodynamic contours that allow it to seemingly glide across the rails at very high speeds. The faster it goes the sexier it looks, unlike its rival in France. That train looks like junk on wheels, honestly the French really need to give it up with trains and stick with things they know best, and stop trying to out class the Japanese on beauty and refinement.


The Hayabusa is the product of decades of labor intensive engineering, and countless man hours. Years of learning how to develop better metals and plastics; years of marrying hard monomers and soft polymers and aesthetically different elements into one whole operating unit and then learning how to blend all of that so that the human subject could experience absolutely the highest level of comfort at top speeds on land, enabling passengers to take in majestic views of Japan's vast and expansive countryside in the middle of winter from the warmness and comfort of a luxurious recliner.


I have ridden on the Kodama, Max Yamabiko, Hayate, and the Max Toki, so you know what's next. In March she debuts and tickets have already sold out! I love Japan.


  1. What's with the topless woman with the strangely long boobs? Kinda fanservice or what?

  2. @idodeisuke,

    The long boobs look like the nose of the Hayabusa...


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