
Takemichi has a peculiar taste to it that gives it similar characteristics to white wine. It's elegant and light on the palate with its own unique effervescent qualities in the first sip; a little fizzy, gassy. It's well balanced, delicate tail. The nose very pleasant and aromatic. The bounty of Shimane comes through on every sip.

( The prefectural seal of Shimane Prefecture, which represents the Peony, fish, Japanese black pines, and the Whooper swan).

The reason for selecting this sake for this post is because it's one of those Sea of Japan sake brewery greats. It's one of those hidden gems of a sake that rarely gets any attention. Most people associate good sake with Niigata and rarely do they ever mention Shimane. I remember back in 09' Tokyo Food Cast editor offered me a ticket to attend a Shimane sake tasting event in Tokyo. Not sure I had a chance to thank her for that invite, so Etchan, if you are reading this, thank you. I don't often get around to shake everybody's hand - I'm shy.

In this post, the sake I am drinking again is called Takemichi and it too hails from Shimane Prefecture, a part of Japan steeped in culture and history. The name of the brewery is called Ouroku Sake Brewery. They use Estate grown Yamadanishiki rice that's polished at 55%. It's a Jyunmai-Ginjyo-Muroka-Nama-Genshu. Best if served chilled with a light chicken salad.

Heart warming local Japanese matron; down to earth, refreshing, vivacious and beautiful. The old soul. These are some of the impressions I get when I talk to people from this prefecture. Very Japan centered folk. I love them.


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