My First MacBook

So I gave in and finally purchased my first MacBook. So far I have no regrets, actually I love it, everything about it. Its design, weight, ergonomic feel, and ease of use. But what I find myself missing most, the only thing really, is Microsoft’s Windows Live Writer! Arguably the greatest blog writer ever made. Unfortunately, for Steve Jobs this amazing software is not available for the MB, and it’s a real pity too because I have so many journal entries backed up on my WLW; I haven’t even posted my summer vacation posts.

I don’t see a work around for this coming down the pike anytime soon so I went ahead and downloaded MacJournal, the next best thing for WLW. So far it’s smooth and operational. I like the typing experience and relative ease of use. I haven’t fully tested it out yet, that’s why I’m writing this post.

I picked up a MacBook Pro at Bic Camera yesterday for 74000 yen after signing a three month OCN contract for home internet service. Retail for this MB is about 114,000 out the door, so I got a $400.00 discount on a 3 month deal. Not too bad. Couple with a wimax wifi internet wireless router set up that fits right in my pocket. I’m running 40mps, which is the fastest in Japan.


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