Original Cocktail: Mt. Fuji

I had recommended this original cocktail to Blue Lotus over at http://blue_moon.typepad.com/ awhile ago, but now come to find out, she won't be drinking any kind of cocktail for a long time to come, so here's to you Blue Lotus.


This original cocktail called the Mt. Fuji consists of gin, egg white, pineapple juice, and lemon juice.  It's around 1400 yen and then there's a 525 yen cover charge.  The Fuji is a fruity, clean, and refreshing little cocktail.   Didn't pick up on the essence of Mt. Fuji.  the cocktail had more of a tropical feel to it than anything.  I guess the frothy white top and yellow color gives it a happy feel.  I still prefer nihonshu as a drink that embodies every single element in Japan.

fujiya hotel

It's been ages since the last time I  sat in an old Victorian Style bar and had one of these kinds of cocktails.   This bar is located in the Fujiya Hotel in a bar called Victoria.


This Hotel which is located in Miyanoshita has been renowned globally as one of the finest classical hotels in Japan.  Once you enter the hotel, just off to the right, there's a narrow passage way leading up to this Victorian style bar. 

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fujiya hotel2

The directions if you're driving are on the map.  There's also a pick up service for those staying overnight at the stations listed on the map if you are taking a train.

I think staying and or visiting this world class hotel, even if it's just for snaps, then I highly recommend it.  Legendary Japanese customer service as usual.  Expensive and clean and very well maintained facility.  Bar hours are from 5 to11. 


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