
 Fukushima Prefecture, Aizu City, Nango Village.

(“I’m listening to Trevor Morris’ City in a Box as I type this”).

 I look for the sake shops with the largest hotel and restaurant clientele. In my city there’s a jizake shop called Kimijimaya which caters to some of the most exclusive hotels and restaurants in Tokyo and Yokohama. This store has the largest selection of sake and wine in Yokohama and is also one of the most respected and well-established in the Kanto region. I take my sake advice from them along with my own experiences and choose the best sake for the season and for my own spiritual and sexual needs.

This time around, they recommended Hanaizumi to me, a Jyunmai Muroka Nama Genshu, in other words, an unfiltered, unpasteurized, full-bodied, mammoth of a sake with full flavor profiles. Acid is high which serves to further enhance its sharpness. It’s a snappy sake. I love her. She slaps me in the face. Rice is polished at 65% and locally grown. The tail is pleasantly mild, yet fruity and spring season-like. the impact has a delicate burst of pink cherry blossom petals that coat the tongue. I just love homegrown Japanese things. Especially women, like Chiaki Ojima, a personal friend and a Fukushima born beauty.


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