The Law of Contradiction

The U.S. of A.  It's difficult to understand America. 

The law of contradiction is what governs America.  It was the slave owners who declared " We hold these truths self evident that all men are created equal."

I mean, we are the most godless and the most religious; the most puritan and the most lascivious; the most charitable and the most heartless of societies; we are interventionists to the degree that we are isolationists; we espouse Thoreoux's Maxim that government governs best which governs least, yet we look to Washington to address our every problem. 


Our environmental conscientiousness  is out matched by our environmental recklessness; we are outlaws obsessed by the rule of law; we are individualist who speak of family values; we are a nation of fat people with anorexic standards of health and beauty; the only things we love more than nature's wilderness are malls and hyper-technology.


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