Porn: Non Pro Obasan Club!


Shinjuku is literally flooded with porn shops that sell and rent porn flicks 24 hours a day. I remember stopping by one particular shop that was selling Jukujo DVDs for 1000 円, the guy behind the counter sold a few of his favorites to me, and this cover is from one of them. The lady in the read coat was the very first time I had ever seen a “Jukujo” on video, and I think that was back in 1998…..

Her name is Hirata Ritsuko; age 46; 3 kids. She has absolutely no talent when it comes to acting in my opinion. In fact, It’s her lack of acting ability that makes her so appealing to me. She can’t act! And this is another reason why I chose this DVD, no acting is required, hence the name ‘non pro obasan club’. I’m not much for story lines either and I absolutely can’t stand when music is played in a porn flick. Just the natural sounds of two people making it out is best.

Porn is no stranger to Japan. I mean you can watch any kind of smut flick out here, anything! In America, it’s the same, but here in Japan, well, the Japanese take things to a whole new extreme. A whole new dimension of sickness exists out here in terms of the porn industry. Porn has been around in Japan for quite a very long time, actually, so, it could be said that there is some cultural relevance there.

I’m not sure I want to delve into some of the different types of porn, actually. Perhaps the rarest DVD I have seen has something to do with a nose fetish where some Japanese guy gets off by torturing women’s noses by attaching hooks to their nostrils then pulling until the actresses faces are distorted. I have no idea how anybody can get off on that….

There’s a favorite porn shop I frequent around my area, and it’s the only one since it has an entire section devoted just to ‘Jukujo' and at fairly reasonable prices. In addition to that they also sell the Japanese version of ‘easy glide’ at 100 yen a bottle, pocket sized, since you’ll never know when you’ll be in a tight situation.

Just up the street and around the corner there is an adult movie theater which features mostly Jukujo and Gay porn. I haven’t mustered up enough courage to go there, yet. I will, though, as soon as I can get a free day. You see, they operate on banking hours! That’s right, 9 to 5. Not like in America where most adult movie theaters stay open all day and all night long. That’s probably has something to do with where I live, but then again the night life where I live is vibrant every night.

About two weeks ago, this student/customer of mine handed me three DVDs; one bootleg movie called Grand Tourino which he had copied and the other a porn flick that had way too much mosaic. After about three minutes I stopped watching it and threw it away. Some skinny anorexic was on it and you know I am not into the anorexic types who squeal like little babies at the mere sight of a penis.

At any rate, for my own personal record I had to document my first Jukujo! She is still number one for me.


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