Kazeno-Mori Junmai Shibori!
Descartes once said that “I think, therefore I am!” And with that one phrase he became the father of modern philosophy. “I drink good sake, therefore I am” is what I say, and boy, did I choose a good one.
(This oil painting was rendered by one of my Jukujo moms….H.M.)
Another gem of a sake has been discovered once again, but this time from a prefecture in Japan called Nara which hardly ever gets any attention for its sake, but rather for its temples and shrines, most notably Todaiji, which is regarded as the largest wooden temple structure in world! Nara, the ancient capital, is also regarded as the Mecca of Japanese Buddhism, and the cradle of civilization for much of the country; the place where the samurai became civilized and enlightened, actually.
The sake once again is called Kazeno -Mori, a Junmai Muroka Nama Genshu Shibori. Muroka means it’s not charcoal filtered. What charcoal filtering does to sake is clean it up and make it look clearer. Some experts argue though that the sake looses some special quality about it if it’s filtered. I agree….
Nama means the sake is unpasteurized, but rather micro-filtered instead. Genshu means it’s undiluted. Most normal sake is diluted down in order to lower the alcohol content, this sake isn’t. Junmai means that this sake belongs to a premium class of sake where the rice is polished to about 70%. What this generally does to the flavor is give it a full fruity body, nice structure and a well roundedness. Shibori means squeezed or wringing.
Generally, premium grade sake uses either Yamada-nishiki or Go-hyaku-man-goku rice grains, this sake however, is using something called “Tsuyuba-kaze” a privately grown and cultivated brewers rice from Nara which is virtually unheard of in the sake world.
The nose on this sake was just wonderful. I must’ve sniffed it about three or four times before the first sip. The bouquet on this sake was so alluring with its hints of floral and pear that was so soothing to my senses. Goddddd….I’m still sniffing it.
The fruity flavors just fills the whole mouth up. The nihonshu-do or sake meter value is plus 2, making it fairly sweet, but pleasantly sweet and dainty, even. Oh, she’s beautiful. I’m talking to her right now. I’m looking at her through my Riedel Daiginjyo sake glass.
I am being assaulted by pears and flowers left and right. Beau Timkin where are you? You need to try this one! Man, I’m not saying this is the best sake, but it’s one that should be features on your site!
The tail finish is excellent leaving the mouth clean. No unnatural flavors. Even as I start to binge on this sake, there are no unnatural or unusual flavors. My tongue doesn’t start to loose the sensation of taste.
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