故郷 (唱歌)

Today's Song


1. 兎(うさぎ)追いし かの山
I hunted rabbits on that mountain.
小鮒(こぶな)釣りし かの川
I fished for minnows in that stream.
夢はいまも めぐりて
I still dream about those days I spent when a child.
忘れがたき ふるさと
How I miss and long for my old country home.

2. いかにいます 父 母
Mother and father ― are they doing well?
つつがなしや 友がき
Is everything all right with my old friends?
雨に風に つけても
When the rain falls, when the wind blows, I recall
思いいずる ふるさと
My happy childhood and my old country home.

3. こころざしを はたして
Some day when I have done what I set out to do,
いつの日にか 帰らん
I will return to where I used to have my home.
山はあおき ふるさと
Lush and green are the mountains of my homeland.
水は清き ふるさと
Pure and clear is the water of my old country home.

Anyway, I really love this song. Even when I was traveling around Japan for so many years, this song was always perfect for those journeys.


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