Hakudake Sen of Fukui Prefecture
Hakudake Sen; Ginjo Nama; Gohyakumangoku(premium brewers rice); harvested in Fukui prefecture; 55% rice; alc 15 to 16.
I would like to emphasis that this is a summer type sake, meaning it’s only brewed and available during summer only.
Usually, lots of nama type(unpasteurized) sake which are available during this time of year, and with the Ginjo rating makes it a winner as it is considered a premium grade sake.
Smell : pear nose(right nostril/ left nostril was stopped up); faint chocolate. Summer taste!
first sip: light with a noticeable bite before and after the first swallow.
Taste: Very delicate on the palate and tongue. dry. As you continue to drink it the characteristics of the first sip are hardly there anymore. I still get the light chocolate and pear on the tongue sensation. The finish is very clean now and almost unassuming.
I’m enjoying this sake with premium Alaskan pink salmon right out of a can as is. I didn’t add anything to the salmon. Excellent combination.
The brewery is called Yasumoto and has been around since the 1800s. Drinking this sake is like drinking the history of Echizen – refer to the links.
On a side note, In the wine world when you sip on wine, believe me, you are drinking the history of not only Pharaoh's Egypt, but of all of Europe also. Jesus drank wine.
Sake carries with it the exact same apotheosis like effect which wines does to Europe but in Asia. You are drinking the best of the best in terms of taste thanks to modern technology and better rice growing and brewing techniques. You are drinking better sake than Tokugawa Ieyasu, and even all of Japan’s Emperors from antiquity to the present.
Hundreds of years ago common folk didn’t even drink sake/nihonshu because drinking it was only reserved for shinto priests, gods and soldiers. The Kamikaze drank it(their last drink)! 2.4 million Japanese soldiers drank it, are they not worthy? I drink it and so can anybody else. Sake has come along way.
Let’s examine the pouring:
After watching this video continue reading towards the bottom of this post.
Japanese sake, Mt. Fujii, sushi, Yasukuni, Japanese cuisine, onsen, all have meaning in Japan. For me, and on a personal note here, sake also embody older Japanese women namely “Jukujo” I plan to redefine this term because for many Japanese it’s considered derogatory. I disagree. It’s not. It’s actually a beautiful word for a ripe Japanese women in her 40s and 50s!
After drinking this sake I have found the perfect Jukujo that matches this sake:
This is a momma! A fully girthed and well developed life giver. A shy and reserved type. Delicate and composed, yet spry and full of emotion. She is so soft on the outside yet warm on the inside. This is Japan! Within her bosom is the very Soul of Japan.
( God is talking to me standby)
Do not be fooled. What you believe to be Japan with it’s gropers and child predators, and it’s ridiculous cross dressers is merely an illusion. Only the backcountry mamma-sans embody what is Japan.
No, not its manga or it’s largely impotent male population who refuse to breed or to protect their country and their women. Those aren’t men. Mishima was a man and so was Tojo. No one drinks in their honor.
[end of rant]
Not one hair is out of place and her nylons are perfect. No runs and no tears. Some day fifty years from now people will finally understand what drives me.
Hakudake-Sen of Fukui Prefecture! A summer sake.
I would like to emphasis that this is a summer type sake, meaning it’s only brewed and available during summer only.
Usually, lots of nama type(unpasteurized) sake which are available during this time of year, and with the Ginjo rating makes it a winner as it is considered a premium grade sake.
Smell : pear nose(right nostril/ left nostril was stopped up); faint chocolate. Summer taste!
first sip: light with a noticeable bite before and after the first swallow.
Taste: Very delicate on the palate and tongue. dry. As you continue to drink it the characteristics of the first sip are hardly there anymore. I still get the light chocolate and pear on the tongue sensation. The finish is very clean now and almost unassuming.
I’m enjoying this sake with premium Alaskan pink salmon right out of a can as is. I didn’t add anything to the salmon. Excellent combination.
The brewery is called Yasumoto and has been around since the 1800s. Drinking this sake is like drinking the history of Echizen – refer to the links.
On a side note, In the wine world when you sip on wine, believe me, you are drinking the history of not only Pharaoh's Egypt, but of all of Europe also. Jesus drank wine.
Sake carries with it the exact same apotheosis like effect which wines does to Europe but in Asia. You are drinking the best of the best in terms of taste thanks to modern technology and better rice growing and brewing techniques. You are drinking better sake than Tokugawa Ieyasu, and even all of Japan’s Emperors from antiquity to the present.
Hundreds of years ago common folk didn’t even drink sake/nihonshu because drinking it was only reserved for shinto priests, gods and soldiers. The Kamikaze drank it(their last drink)! 2.4 million Japanese soldiers drank it, are they not worthy? I drink it and so can anybody else. Sake has come along way.
Let’s examine the pouring:
After watching this video continue reading towards the bottom of this post.
Japanese sake, Mt. Fujii, sushi, Yasukuni, Japanese cuisine, onsen, all have meaning in Japan. For me, and on a personal note here, sake also embody older Japanese women namely “Jukujo” I plan to redefine this term because for many Japanese it’s considered derogatory. I disagree. It’s not. It’s actually a beautiful word for a ripe Japanese women in her 40s and 50s!
After drinking this sake I have found the perfect Jukujo that matches this sake:

This is a momma! A fully girthed and well developed life giver. A shy and reserved type. Delicate and composed, yet spry and full of emotion. She is so soft on the outside yet warm on the inside. This is Japan! Within her bosom is the very Soul of Japan.
( God is talking to me standby)
Do not be fooled. What you believe to be Japan with it’s gropers and child predators, and it’s ridiculous cross dressers is merely an illusion. Only the backcountry mamma-sans embody what is Japan.
No, not its manga or it’s largely impotent male population who refuse to breed or to protect their country and their women. Those aren’t men. Mishima was a man and so was Tojo. No one drinks in their honor.
[end of rant]
Not one hair is out of place and her nylons are perfect. No runs and no tears. Some day fifty years from now people will finally understand what drives me.
Hakudake-Sen of Fukui Prefecture! A summer sake.
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