Hakone No Shizuku " Hakone's Divine Droplets

I paid 940 yen for this little bottle of sake, which was being showcased over at this onsen near Gaora the other day. I remember another time I was in this area I sampled another sake, which tasted about the same. Hakone is not known for making sake at all, so with that aside the reason for posting this brand was because I was impressed with the overall taste and texture of this sake. If you do a little research on the name, you can come up with several
"shizuku" titles from different brewers. The reason I note this one is because, and as you may know, Hakone is an onsen town full of mineral hot springs and as such great water can be had, like in the case of sake produced in Iwate prefecture where most of the hot spring water is mineral rich, which lend some sake with an amber color when held up to light. This particular sake had a beautiful floral nose! I was impressed.
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